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  • Bryan Berthou's avatar
    refs#16 · 2d7f125d
    Bryan Berthou authored
    - Add documentation and comments.
    - Update project configuration : Qt4 XML parser.
    - Update XML schema to match with the description of a computation or a fits.
    - Update XML scenario description.
    - Add new observable scenario example.
    - Update database schema for GPD and CCF level.
    - Implement ResourceManager as a draft to deal with file in memory.
    - Move some parameter name (for configuration) from daughter class to mother class.
    - Refactor ScenarioManager (some features moved in AutomationService and XMLParserI).
    - Add new CryptographicHashService in ServiceObjectRegistry : use to compute hash sum of a file.
    - Refactoring of Computation, Scenario and Task to match with the new design of AutomationService and database.
    - Implement missing method for ObservableChannel class.
    - Move file information from daughter class (EnvironmentConfiguration, Scenario, ...) to mother class DatabaseFileObject.
    - Implement DatabaseFileObject class to store information about file in memory like filePath, file as a string, hash_sum, storeDate, ...
    - Update database dao and services (for GPD, CCF, Common) to match with the new design of database : add missing tests, methods, ...
    - Update the all vertical observable computation way : replace DVCS way to a generic way to be able to use observable with each kind of channel ; correct some NULL pointers behaviors.
    - In all class rename init() method to resolveObjectDependencies().
    - In DVCSModule move some members to daughter class.
    - Add in each services a new method called newModule(Task) to be able to create a new pre-configured module from a Task.
    - Add in each services a new method called configure(...) to configure automatically the vertical computation way with all types of modules as arguments.
    - Refactor each services.
    - For automation and flexibility add a new AutomationService, interface for XML validation XML parser ; create a default XML parser ; create a Qt4 XML validator.
    - Add a new CryptographicHash service to compute hash sum of a file : add interface too for flexibility and create a Qt4CryptographicHash class.
    - Add missing channel for all observables, process and CCF.
    - Update the logical of ObservableService to deal with computation or fits in a generic way ; and to handle all kind of channel not only DVCS.
    - Implement "proxy" mechanisms to reduce memory allocation when creating PARTONS objects from database.
    - Implement an XMLValidator interface to validate an XML file with an XML schema file.
    - Implement a CryptographicHash service and interface to generate hash sum (SHA1) from a string or a file. It used to improve database search speed request.
    - Implement an XMLParser interface to retrieve scenario and computation configuration parameters objects from an XML file.
    - Implement an XML schema (XSD) to validate scenario and computation configuration XML files.
    - Create some Interfaces to plug and unplug libraries without the need to change the architecture and the logical of PARTONS.
    NB :
    - The database schema for observable layer is not corrected yet.
    - Scenario and EnvironmentConfiguration are not stored into database there is some problems I need to correct.
    - I did not test all the modifications, so play with PARTONS carefully.