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  • Nabil Chouika's avatar
    refs#16 · 9bd201b1
    Nabil Chouika authored
    In NumA++:
    - Added -pedantic flag in CMakeLists for warnings.
    - Moved LinAlgUtils to parent folder.
    - Added LSMR iterative algorithm for sparse least-squares problems, taken from (APACHE licence) and adapted to fit into NumA.
    In NumA++_Test:
    - Added -pedantic flag in CMakeLists for warnings.
    - Added test for LSMR also taken from github.
    - Added -pedantic flag in CMakeLists for warnings.
    - Converted one observable scenario to the new cross configuration.
    - Various modifications and additions to the Radon Inverse files. Now, the DoubleDistribution modules are not needed anymore. It was too complicated to deal with... But it's still possible to use them I guess.
    - Renamed the Radon Inverse daughter class because the brute-force approach was dropped in favor of a fixed number of rows for the matrix.
    In PARTONS_exe:
    - Added -pedantic flag in CMakeLists for warnings.
    - Updated to the new scheme.
    - Added a test for the Radon inversion.
    In PARTONS_release:
    - Added -pedantic flag in CMakeLists for warnings.
    - Added a scenario for GPD.
    - Close PARTONS properly when exception.