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  • Nabil Chouika's avatar
    refs#16 · a3920aa3
    Nabil Chouika authored
    In ElementaryUtils:
    - Use command "executable" in the Ant scripts instead of the deprecated command "command".
    In NumA++:
    - Overload functors to allow call without parameters.
    - Restructuring of folders for Functors.
    - Rename LinearSystem to LinAlgUtils and add rank routine.
    - New EigenUtils to encapsulate conversions to or from Eigen. In order for PARTONS to be independent of Eigen.
    - New methods in MatrixD (appendLine, etc).
    - New constructors for VectorD.
    - New static method in Interval to compute nodes.
    In NumA++_Test:
    - New tests for Eigen.
    - New modules IncompleteGPDModule and RadonInverseModule.
    - First method for Radon inversion: Random brute force with constant piecewise functions (RandBFConstPW). Still no inversion, only matrix construction.
    - Addition of DDGauge type and modification of DDType.
    - New OverlapMMR15 model.